ديتول عناية بالبشرة سائل غسل لليدين – 200 مل

• غسول يدين فعال للاسخدام اليومي• يقتل الجراثيم أكثر بعشر مرات من الصابون العادي• درجة حموضه متوازنة وحماية أكيدة ضد الجراثيم• يحافظ على يدين نظيفتين وخالية من البكتيريا و الأوساخ• يحتوي على مواد مرطبة تقلل من جفاف البشرة السعر :45.00 جنيه

صابون اليدين من ديتول على هيئة سائل – 200 مل

Dettol Liquid Hand wash. Re-energize liquid hand wash refill with zesty mandarin fragrance kills 99.9 of germs including E. coli and flu virus giving 10 times better protection against stomach bugs and skin infections. Using it every day protects hands from germs and helps keep them hygienically clean. The pH-balanced formula along with Dettol's trustedمتابعة قراءة “صابون اليدين من ديتول على هيئة سائل – 200 مل”

Dettol Original Anti-Bacterial Liquid Hand Wash 400ml

Dettol Liquid Hand Wash Refill kills 99.9 of germs including E. coli and flu virus giving 10 times better protection against stomach bugs and skin infections. Using it every day protects hands from germs and helps keep them hygienically clean. The pH-balanced formula along with Dettol's trusted germ protection helps your skin feeling healthy andمتابعة قراءة “Dettol Original Anti-Bacterial Liquid Hand Wash 400ml”

Dettol Original Anti-Bacterial Liquid Hand Wash 200ml

Dettol Liquid Hand Wash Refill kills 99.9 of germs including E. coli and flu virus giving 10 times better protection against stomach bugs and skin infections. Using it every day protects hands from germs and helps keep them hygienically clean. The pH-balanced formula along with Dettol's trusted germ protection helps your skin feeling healthy andمتابعة قراءة “Dettol Original Anti-Bacterial Liquid Hand Wash 200ml”

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